
ello, ello, ello

Hello people! and welcome to my blog! I will be doing the LA marthon on March 18, 2018. I will be posting here weekly about my run progress and maybe some things I have learned. I might also post some workouts so you can follow my journey and MAYBE do them as well! A little background: I was a cross country runner in high school (with an average mile pace of 8-8:30 mi/hr). After that I ran in college here and there as exercise and after college. In March 2010 I ran my first race, the OC half marathon. that same year in December 2010 I did the Las Vegas Rock and Roll half Marathon.  In March 2011 I did the OC half marathon and then in April 2012 I did the La Jolla Half marathon. I eventally was in pain with hip brucitis and took a long time off. Combined with laziness and lack of commitment to fit running back into my life, running was hard. I tried to get back into running for the Zion Half marathon in March 2017, but I was unable to go due to a lack of training. I had been ina